
Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors primarily practice using their hands, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system and joints.

After taking a history, performing an examination and establishing a diagnosis, a chiropractor can develop and carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling. One of the most common therapies a chiropractor uses is spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), which can comprise a variety of adjustment techniques. Specific training in SMT allows chiropractors to provide highly-skilled and precise adjustments to the vertebrae of the spine, correcting joint motion to restore proper movement and improve function.

treatments include:

  • Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT): A high velocity, low amplitude thrust to a joint to allow greater ranges of motion and optimal performance.

  • Acupuncture/Dry Needling: The practice of inserting very small needles into the body to relax tight fascia and muscles through increased blood flow.

  • Rehabilitation and Corrective Exercise Instruction: Recover from an injury or correct dysfunctional movement patterns by retraining the tissues to be able to handle load.

  • Active Release Treatment: Manual pressure applied to tight myofascial areas to increase blood flow and reduce tightness and pain.

  • Cupping Therapy: An ancient form of alternative therapy that uses special cups placed directly on the skin to reduce inflammation and pain.